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Fear Of The Dark - Joonki

Running home at night because of fear is not an easy thing to do. Sally was lost in the coal parl. She had gone there to relieve her stress and to fall asleep. Drowsiness surrounded her, immobilizing her from the rather...

Free-write #2 - Wesley

When it comes to writing, many people -including myself-do not know what to write or where to start. That does often occur to a lot of people, but it is a very frustrating experience. Writing comes from the mind of the person. Writing is the most definite reflection of one’s mental state. Those characteristics make writing linked very strongly with the writer’s current state...

Free-write #4 - Wesley

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me and you can start adding your own content and make changes to the font. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.​




I Promise - Vicky

“Hi Ms. Jung, have a seat”
“Can I get out of these handcuffs? I’m not going to do anything.. I promise”
“I’m sorry but I can’t do that.. Now, lets talk about what happened.. Where were you on Monday, November 13th, 2012”
“I was at home.. at home.. uh.. watching a movie.. I promise”



It Was a Crummy Place - Jeong Min

It was a crummy place. Everything about it was disconcerting – the smell, the fog, the ghostly silence. The putrid smell of London’s sewers stung my nose. I could only see the colour grey. Even the moss stuck between the six-hundred year-old...



Showing a Telling Sentence​ - Jin

Winter had just passed and glamorous flowers were blooming. The white snow was replaced by green leaves and the bare trees were filled with flowers...

Dialogue - Jinny




Journey to Write - Ara

Chucka-chooka, Chucka-chooka. Next stop is Edinburgh. It is my first time traveling alone like this. With no one to eat with; with no one to talk to; no one to explore with. Just me, my computer, and my writing pad...



Poem - Jeong Min



R​ain - Jerin

The rain dribbles down the window. Water droplets race against each other, falling at gravity’s will. The clouds rumble, angry and irritated. Maybe even sad. The sky is crying. The wind is still; it is the rain’s turn to talk. The rain is unforgiving, nothing can avoid its path. It covers the entire surface of the world....


Perspective of a Child - Joonki



My grandpa looks very happy even though I know that he is very sick. He won’t tell me anything about his condition. I am actually a pretty mature and big boy now but he still won’t tell me about his health. My mother is smiling at my grandpa who’s also laughing joyfully...







The Door - Claire

The door is locked, but there is something about its rustiness and the miswritten sign “Please close the door for temperature controller” that makes it less intimidating than it’s intended to be.  This is no menacing opponent I have here; yeah, I think I can handle this kiddo. I shake the door, grabbing it by its icy metal collars,...

The Boy Who Lived, Come to Die - William

How I have waited so long for this moment. For so long, I have only dreamt of having Harry
Potter in the grasp of my hands and watch him die miserably. But now, its becoming a reality. I
could see the rage and fear within his eyes through those spectacles. I could smell his fear and
my grip hardened as he squirmed like an insect, trying to escape free of my clasp...

Silver Doors - David

The silver door feels cold, and its powerful presence forbids one from even attempting to open  it. But no worries. One touch of a button and the steel door opens itself wide. At first glance the room appears to be very small compared to others, but  a closer  examination revealsthat the mirrors create the effect of...

U R - Yunji

Others see you as funny, fetching, and short. They like being in your life because of the light-hearted mood you create within it. You are a senior. You are a younger sister as well as an older one. You are respected in your family as well as looked easy at for your age.

You are so emotional. You wish you could end everything at a second, and feel the biggest inspiration to live at another...

"Where Were You Last Night?" - Yunji

“Where were you last night?” asked mom, casually, yet suspiciously.

“I told you. I was at a cafe studying for my history test. How many times do I have to tell you?” I grumbled.

She lifted her head to give an innocent, yet piercing look at me from the dishes, and said “Well, why did you come so late, then?”...


Menu - Vicky​

I met up with my friends and started to walk down to the cafeteria. I didn’t have to look at the menu to see what today’s menu was going to be because it was always the same: a mix of whatever was left from yesterday’s lunch. Because the lunch ladies had cooked spaghetti and questionable meatballs,...

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